
Conférence : Stratégie d’entreprise : une opportunité pour les PME


L’une des particularités de la gestion d’une PME est l’isolement de son dirigeant. Cette solitude peut cependant être minimisée pour autant qu’il puisse avoir une réflexion stratégique et sache se regrouper avec d’autres entrepreneurs. C’est tout l’enjeu des grappes d’entreprises ou « clusters ».

Je vous invite à découvrir mes propositions en ce sens à l’occasion d’une conférence sur le thème « Stratégie d’entreprise : une opportunité pour les PME » dans le cadre de la :

Place des Affaires

Mardi 1er février 2011 à 10 heures

Palexpo - Genève

Grâce à l’action du Cercle des dirigeants d’entreprises de Genève, cette conférence est gratuite de même que l’accès au salon.


Hotels du futur : des robots à la réception et des chambres décorées selon vos goûts.


Pour commencer l’année d’un bon pied, je vous propose un article en anglais que j’emprunte au service de presse d’ITB. Il me va droit au cœur dans la mesure où il couvre un thème qui m’est cher : la robotisation de l’accueil. Les lecteurs qui me suivent connaissent mon intérêt pour ce sujet et mon rêve de créer des conseillers de voyage virtuels qui ne seraient jamais malades et qui pourraient répondre à toutes les questions que se posent les touristes.


According to the ITB World Travel Trends Report technological advances are expected to produce some far-reaching changes in the hotel trade over the  next ten years: ‘Smart rooms’ will adjust their ambience to meet the individual profiles of their guests – Social networks will create “hotel families”

The hotel room is decorated to meet guests’ particular tastes, the bath water is just how they like it, the minibar is stocked with their preferred range of drinks, and their favourite music is playing in the background. This, or something similar, could soon become reality for hotel guests. This was the conclusion drawn by the ITB World Travel Trends Report, based on extracts from the European Travel Monitor and estimates by more than 50 tourism experts and researchers from around the world, including investigations carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Work Management and Organization (IAO).

The Fraunhofer Institute believes that technological advances with be among the most important forces driving the hotel industry, leading to some major changes over the next ten years. Guests will be checked in by robots, which will also provide a first class range of services for the duration of their stay. Automated ‘smart’ rooms will be fully equipped to meet the needs of guests. Guests will have their own profiles, which they can either enter via a PIN on a smart phone or which are transmitted by means of biometric authentification. This data can then be used to individually adapt the lighting, air conditioning and even the colour of the room. In the hotel rooms of the future the entire infrastructure will be designed to aid relaxation: gentle curves instead of sharp edges, smart ‘energy beds’, wall displays with giant screens, serving as an interactive interface to all the different communication channels and providing a workspace for business travellers. However, technological innovation is not the only topic under consideration in planning the hotels of the future, and ecological aspects will play an increasingly important role in meeting the needs of guests.

”Growing environmental awareness, global trends such as demographic changes, increased mobility and multi-cultural developments will all help to alter the profile of guests. In the future the different requirements of specific types of guests will determine what is on offer. This presents some serious challenges to the hotel industry, but also provides an opportunity to attract new types of guests”, reports Dr. Martin Buck, Director of the Competence Centre Travel and Logistics at Messe Berlin.

In the age of Web 2.0 innovative hotel operators are already engaging in a dialogue with their customers. The experts are fore-casting that future communities will form “hotel families”. Like-minded people will initially make contact interactively, compare interests and exchange recommendations, eventually meeting in a hotel that is specially tailored to enable them to undertake joint activities. This is one example of how social networks could lead people to form social communities. At the same time hotel operators could use the profiles of these “hotel families” and the feedback that they generate to adapt their products and services to meet the needs of their clients even more effectively, and to be able to offer them services that accurately meet these requirements.

The ITB World Travel Trends Report 2010/2011 is available at
www.itb-berlin.com. It has been prepared using estimates by 50 travel trade professionals from 30 countries, an analysis of trends carried out by IPK on the main markets from which tourists originate, and basic data provided by the World Travel Monitor®, which is regarded as the largest, ongoing study of global travel behaviour in some 60 countries. These findings reveal tendencies which became apparent during the first eight months of 2010. The end-of-year results, including current prospects for 2011, will be presented on 9 March at the ITB Future Day during the Convention, in the session entitled “ITB World Travel Trends Report: ITB World Travel Trends Report: Forecasting Global and European Tourism” by  Rolf Freitag, CEO IPK International.

About ITB Berlin and the ITB Berlin Convention

ITB Berlin 2011 will take place from Wednesday, 9 to Sunday, 13 March. and from Wednesday to Friday will be open to trade visitors only. Parallel with the trade fair, the ITB Berlin Convention, the largest travel industry event of its kind in the world, will be held from Wednesday, 9 to Friday, 11 March 2011. Mongolia is Convention & Culture Partner, Hamburg Tourismus and Specific Media are Basic Sponsors of the ITB Berlin Convention 2011. Full details of the convention can be found at
www.itb-convention.com. ITB Berlin is the world’s leading travel trade show. In 2010 a total of 11,127 companies from 187 countries exhibited their products and services to 179,351 visitors, who included 110,953 trade visitors.

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Press contacts:
Messe Berlin:
Michael T. Hofer
Group Press and
Public Relations Director

ITB Berlin/ITB Asia:
Astrid Ehring:
Press Officer
Messedamm 22
D-14055 Berlin
Tel.:+4930 3038 -2275
Fax: + 4930 3038-2141

IPK International:
Barbara Postel
Senior Consultant
Gottfried-Keller-Straße 20
81245 München

Tel.:+ 49 89 82923713
Fax: + 4989 82923726

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(C) Jean-Claude MORAND - 2004-2011 - Cyberstrat (tm) est une marque déposée par Jean-Claude Morand