
2 places disponibles pour la préparation au Certificat de formation continue en E-Business et E-communication à HEC Genève

unigeLe Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) ou Certificat de formation continue en e-Business et e-Communication de l’Université de Genève, répond aux attentes des entreprises confrontées aux enjeux des nouvelles technologies de l’information (TIC) et de la communication, et plus particulièrement aux défis du «Net».

Ces domaines en constante mutation appellent de nouvelles compétences. Ceux sont celles des décideurs issus de secteurs techniques (e-business, e-commerce, Web 2.0., ...), comme des fonctions managériales classiques (Business Models, ressources humaines,...). Ils  doivent aujourd'hui combiner une vision prospective et une analyse rigoureuse des risques et opportunités avant d’agir.

Pour l'onzième année consécutive, cette formation est une plate-forme qui offre aux intervenants et aux participants la possibilité de fonctionner en réseau et de s’enrichir mutuellement.

Ces formations continues comprennent 12 modules pour le DAS et six pour le CAS pour l'an prochain.  Les admissions sont pour l’instant bloquées car le professeur responsable de cette formation préfère recourir à la cooptation afin d’inclure des personnes de qualité. Si vous souhaitez que je présente votre candidature, n’hésitez pas à me contacter.

Voici les liens : http://mkgcom.unige.ch/ et http://ecom.unige.ch/


ENTER PhD workshop: Call for research proposals


ENTER2013 - eTourism Opportunities and Challenges for the next 20 years

Innsbruck Austria 22nd to 25th of January 2013

Organised by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), the pre-conference event provides a forum for doctoral students undertaking research related to Information and Communication Technology in Travel and Tourism. Doctoral students at all stages are encouraged to participate and submit. The workshop provides students an opportunity to share and develop their research ideas in a critical but supportive environment and to get feedback from colleagues and leading scholars in the field.

Please, note there is no cost to students for participating in this workshop. Also the full ENTER 2013 conference is discounted for students. More information about the conference and the workshop at http://www.ifitt.org/congresses/website/enter2013/Home_page

Submission of research proposals

The research proposals should have a maximum length of five pages (A4) and include: 1) problem definition; 2) literature review; 3) conceptual development; 4) proposed methodology; 5) anticipated results; and 6) references. Please download the PhDWorkshop

author advice style guide http://ifitt.org/public/uploads/PhDWorkshop_Author_Advice_2012.doc

Each submission will undergo a review process. Students will be notified about the review outcome, along with recommendations to improve the proposal before the workshop.

Accepted proposals will be made available to workshop participants before the workshop. The best research proposal will receive an award and will be recognized at the main conference event!

Time schedule

Submission closes 5 October 2012

Initial feedback 26 October 2012

Submit final revised proposal 16 November 2012

Final acceptance 30 November 2012

PhD Workshop 22 January 2013

ENTER Conference 23 -25 January 2013

Submit your proposal by Email to one of the ENTER 2013 PhD workshop chairs or student

committee member

• Prof. Rob Law, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; hmroblaw@inet.polyu.edu.hk

• Prof. Matthias Fuchs, ETOUR Mid-Sweden University; matthias.fuchs@miun.se

• Dr. Carlos Lamsfus, CICtourGUNE; CarlosLamsfus@tourgune.org

• Barbara Neuhofer, Bournemouth University; bneuhofer@bournemouth.ac.uk


Une bourse pour les étudiants en tourisme des pays émergents ou en développement #etourisme


Dear all, 
IFITT is presenting a new initiative to the strengthen our global community, namely the  IFITT ICT4D Scholarship. Please find detailed information about the projects below and contact us at ifitt@ifitt.org to request further information or submit your proposals.
Kind regards,
Wolfram Höpken
Vice President IFITT

By the IFITT ICT4D Scholarship (Information and Communication Technologies for Development) IFITT will fund young talents coming from developing/emerging countries, to provide a positive impact onto their respective communi-ties through the application of ICT. Projects should be connected with a Master or PhD thesis, having a clear orientation to local development. The scholarship consists of

  • an assignment of a tutor
  • funding of ENTER participation
  • free IFITT membership for one year.

The call for applications is open till the end of July 2012.
By the IFITT ICT4D Scholarship, IFITT creates innovative ideas and services for its members based on the potential of the whole community, increases its aware-ness in developing countries and specifically in countries which are underrepresented in IFITT and ENTER and takes social responsibility.

Contact ifitt@ifitt.org to request further information or submit your proposals.

(C) Jean-Claude MORAND - 2004-2011 - Cyberstrat (tm) est une marque déposée par Jean-Claude Morand