
Une bourse pour les étudiants en tourisme des pays émergents ou en développement #etourisme


Dear all, 
IFITT is presenting a new initiative to the strengthen our global community, namely the  IFITT ICT4D Scholarship. Please find detailed information about the projects below and contact us at ifitt@ifitt.org to request further information or submit your proposals.
Kind regards,
Wolfram Höpken
Vice President IFITT

By the IFITT ICT4D Scholarship (Information and Communication Technologies for Development) IFITT will fund young talents coming from developing/emerging countries, to provide a positive impact onto their respective communi-ties through the application of ICT. Projects should be connected with a Master or PhD thesis, having a clear orientation to local development. The scholarship consists of

  • an assignment of a tutor
  • funding of ENTER participation
  • free IFITT membership for one year.

The call for applications is open till the end of July 2012.
By the IFITT ICT4D Scholarship, IFITT creates innovative ideas and services for its members based on the potential of the whole community, increases its aware-ness in developing countries and specifically in countries which are underrepresented in IFITT and ENTER and takes social responsibility.

Contact ifitt@ifitt.org to request further information or submit your proposals.

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